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📮  Reach: 96,000+ readers

✉️ Open rate: 52%

💰 Impressions: An average issue generates 48,000+ impressions for each ad.

🖱️  CTR: 4%

🌎 Location: 55% US, 25% Australia, 15% Canada, 5% EU.

📣 Audience: Our readership leans heavily towards entrepreneurs and professionals in tech and marketing.

📈 Growth: We’ve scaled to 96,000+ readers in 4 months, making us one of the fastest growing productivity and technology newsletters.

<aside> 👥 Who reads our emails:

Industry Engagement: 68% of our readers are in tech, finance, or consulting.

Position: 60% hold management or senior executive roles in their firms.

Income Levels: Of those who disclosed, 45% have a household income above $100,000 annually.

Tech Readiness: 56% are interested in utilizing AI in their work settings.

Content Preference: 72% value the tools and products highlighted in our newsletter.
